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  • saffronwilletts

Musings on choosing and pricing exhibition pieces for the Arts Festival

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

I'm finding it quite difficult to choose two paintings to submit for the Arts Exhibition this year. As I helped to administer it last year I noticed some interesting trends. Firstly, people often seem to judge the quality of the work by the price tag, assuming a higher price means a better painting. My sister who has studied marketing explained this to me, I can't remember the exact phrase but its some kind of perception bias. My parents who have an art shop also found this to be true, putting prices up often led to higher sales.

As an artist I am used to just getting buy and this affects my perception of how much people can afford to spend when pricing my work. For me it is difficult to imagine spending five to six hundred euros on something that isn't absolutely essential. Also I like my prices to be fair.

The other perception bias I have noted is the tendency to equate the personal confidence of the artist with the quality of the work. I guess for me art is something I am so absorbed in, and have been for most of my life that I can't imagine having to second guess when judging the value of a piece. I can just look, appreciate and evaluate with my naked eye. I always find it disappointing, even depressing, when I realise that many other's can't distinguish the wheat from the chaff. This may sound a little arrogant but it's my world and art is important.

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